
FSPS – 3D Real Cockpit Effect


Watch on this video how 3D Real Cockpit Effect, exclusively designed for FSX, reproduces the vibrations and head movements.

Initiated for first time by another team of Belgian developers (almost?) 10 years ago already, this is a new tool from FSPS who simulates up to the rudder and spoiler effects.

0 Responses

  1. Similar to EZDOK, but I do like the shimmering vibration of the cockpit during takeoff and rollout – this to me looks slightly more realistic than EZDOK – but as I have invested a lot of time in EZDOK this app would need more than that to sway me

  2. That effect can be made via EZDOK if you know what you are doing. I’d certainly rather wait for EZDOK 2 in June/July rather than get this.

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