Day: June 11, 2012

Imagine Sim – New Delhi VIDP FSX

Two months, it’s the time Imagine Sim team needed to make the FSX version of New Delhi VIDP airport. This means FS2004 users have been

Airbus X Extended checklists preview

httpv:// Revising the latest details about Aerosoft Airbus X Extended development, we found the above video, showing the checklists to be included. Let’s repeat the

A2A Core Accu Sim update 1.4

Combine A2A Simulations aircraft and Accu-Sim module to discover the top notch military aircraft of the Second World War in FSX. We’d like to let

Nemeth Designs – Eurocopter AS355 Ecureuil II

httpv:// Considered as must-have, the helicopters delivered by Nemeth Design are joyful to control and a eye-candy with their high level of details and realism

A_A Sceneries Macau FSX preview

Thai Creations designed Macau in FS2004, but it’s A_A Sceneries that took up the project to remake it in FSX. The Chinese scenery will complete