Just Flight – RJ Professional MSFS | Systems Guide #3 – TRP – Thrust Rating Panel

The Thrust Rating Panel (TRP) in the Just Flight RJ Professional is a critical system located on the First Officer’s main instrument panel. It allows pilots to select engine performance for different flight phases and set take-off and landing speeds. The TRP supports several thrust modes, including TOGA MAX for maximum power during take-off and go-arounds, TOGA REDU for flexible thrust settings, MCT for maximum continuous thrust, and CLIMB MAX and CLIMB NORM for varying climb power settings. Concentric knobs on the panel enable pilots to adjust parameters like N1, TEMP, and speeds (V1, Vcross, and Vdot).

In manual operation with the autothrottle disengaged, the TRP has distinct modes. When set to CLIMB MAX or CLIMB NORM, it synchronizes three engines with a master engine, toggled via the MSTR button. In TOGA or MCT modes, pilots must move thrust levers to extinguish FADEC trim arrows, after which the Flight Guidance Computer (FGC) fine-tunes the levers to maintain thrust settings. This behavior shares similarities with the TMS SYNC mode from Just Flight’s 146 Professional. Pilots can fully deactivate the TRP by holding the A/T DISC button for three seconds, reverting engine control to individual FADECs.

The TRP can be reactivated by pressing TOGA, MCT, or CLIMB mode buttons. For detailed operational insights, pilots are encouraged to consult the RJ Professional Operations Manual. The TRP’s versatility and precise control options enhance flight management, offering advanced features for both manual and automated operations.

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The Just Flight RJ Professional is a highly detailed regional jet add-on designed for both MSFS 2024 and MSFS 2020, offering advanced systems and authentic flight dynamics. Read all features and browse the fanstastic screenshots at SIMMARKET or click on the banner below.

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