In about a short 15 minutes, you will learn more about the GNS430 / GNS530. Bill Stack had made a video to explain the possibility’s about this hardware. Customize your GPS devices. Calculate fuel usage, trip time, density altitude, true airspeed, and wind speed and direction. Find needed information from maps, groups, and pages. Use communication and navigation radios.

In short:
Find information you need for realistic flights from all pages and groups.
Navigation Group
- Terrain – set and read
- Traffic – select and display
- Satellite – read data
- Communication – find frequencies
Waypoint Group
- Airports
- Coordinates
- Elevations
- Runways
- Frequencies
- Intersections
- VORs, coordinates and frequencies
- NDBs, coordinates and frequencies
Auxiliary Group
- Trip planning
- Fuel planning
- Density altitude
- True airspeed
- Headwinds
- Tailwinds
Nearest Group
- Airports
- Intersections
- NDBs
- VORs
Find Needed Information in the Map Pages
- Desired track
- Ground track
- Distance to waypoints
- Ground speed
- Course deviation
- Estimated time enroute
Use Radios for Communication and Navigation
- Automated weather reports
- Air Traffic Control
- VORs
- Localizers
Get a impression about it here:
Free Bonus Items
To help you enjoy realistic simulations, these free bonus items are included:
- Transcript of entire video
- V-Speed card
- Concise list of MSFS 2020 keyboard shortcuts
More info and available via simMarket.
Navigation, flight planning, and instrument procedures are explained in other videos.