Category: Freeware News

Freeware News

Freeware : Repaints Artist Jiannis Camel

Among the numerous extra liveries that you can add in MSFS for your detailed aircraft, we found that Jiannis Camel artist would deserve a note

Freeware News

Freeware : Bank Angle PTKB New Scenery

Author of the beautiful Megève altiport LFHM for MSFS on sale at simMarket, located in the French Alps, Bank Angle also designed a freeware scenery

Freeware News

Freeware : Package Manager MSFS

We’ve been informed that hosts a new freeware tool very useful and efficient for MSFS : Package Manager. Drag and drop your downloaded files

Freeware News

Freeware : Kai Tak Airport MSFS

Typical exercise for simmers : visual approach and landing at Kai Tak International in Hong Kong ! Practice with the beautiful freeware designed for MSFS

Freeware News

FlyByWire – Freeware A380 MSFS Progress

After the announcement of the A380 Freeware project for MSFS, FlyByWire Simulations already uploaded the first and early 3D modelling screenshots. They have worked on

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