Category: HARDWARE


Review: Wingflex A320 MCDU

The manufacturer Wingflex kindly sent me their version of an A320 MCDU. I had previously tested their first product for Airbus simulation, the Wingflex A320


Review: WinWing MCDU for the Airbus

Since WinWing announced its series of MIP Series Airline Panels, the community has been eagerly anticipating their release. The especially attractive price point makes it


MiniCockpit – miniEFIS Now with MobiFlight Support

MiniCockpit‘s miniEFIS now supports MobiFlight, bringing enhanced functionality to flight simulation enthusiasts. With the release of MobiFlight BETA, users can unlock new possibilities for


WinWing – MIP Series panels with MCDU & CDU

We can hardly wait for beginning 2025, on the internet there are several pictures of this kind of hardware for us serious flightsimmers. For a


Flight Panels – FlyByWire Airbus A380X

With the new FREE Airbus A380X from FlyByWire this could be a handy software for the StreamDeck users. Not fiddling your self with complicated configurations,


Virpil – Interchangeable Control Panel Plates

From the team of Virpil: “We’ve been listening to all the fantastic feedback we’ve received on our upcoming Advanced Flight Yoke – our design team