Day: October 11, 2008

Tiltrotor In The Works At Wilco Publishing

In case you were unable to guess which “plane” the Belgian publisher Wilco is working on, it’s the Bell-Agusta BA-609 Tiltrotor. The BA609 is a tiltrotor, meaning

iWear VR920 By Vuzix Now On simMarket

Experience virtual reality gaming with the VR920 video eye wear by Vuzix. That’s what you get when purchasing this kit. This head mounted display offers

New SSM2007 Manual

The guys from Space Shuttle Mission 2007 have released a “….. new and updated set of manuals. Besides corrections and clarifications, the new manuals include

F5-E Tiger From Flylogic

Flylogic in Switzerland has now released it’s FSX version of the Northrop F-5E Tiger, under the title ‘Fly The Tiger X’. Also included is an

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