Day: June 30, 2015

Garmin G1000 Trainer and Hardware

Get a master piece of hardware at simMarket as they have now added the Garmin G1000 Trainer in stock. Order either the hardware itself manufactured by

Realworld Scenery – Qatar, SuperHD

Realworld Scenery have been fairly active throughout the Middle Easts photo-real scenery at the moment. After their initial flow of a few USA photo-real, They

Carenado – Navajo PA31 Released

  Carenado’s Navajo PA31 has been released for FSX/P3D and offers 4096×4096 HD VC textures along with Flight1 GTN 750 and Reality XP GNS530 integration although they

Majestic – Q400 Update

Majestic have released an update recently whilst they are working on the Pro edition. It addresses a range of issues and can be found under

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