
Tag: A330

Enhance Jardesign A330 soundset

Blue Sky Star achieved to record 100% of their new soundset near real Airbus A330 Trent 700 engines. Their pack is specially designed for use

Aerosoft – A330X 2016 Previews!

Mathijs, an Aerosoft forum admin posted some of the first A330X project previews of 2016 today. The new previews showcase parts of the overhead panel

Aerosoft – More A330 Previews

On the Aerosoft Forums, Mathijs Kok recently published some awesome previews on the upcoming A330 project. “Because the systems development team needs the switches etc

Aerosoft – A330 Previews

Over on the Aerosoft Forums, Mathijs announced they’re working on the “Centre-Wing Box” Although it sounds like a non-existent part of an aircraft; The previews

Aerosoft A330 inboard flap system

Aerosoft is modelling the A330 at a higher level of detail than their A320 series. Not only because they use new technics and follow the

Aerosoft A330 new pics

Aerosoft products manager sounds positive about their Airbus A330 development progress. He has been able to share the front gear wheel 3D details in the

BBS A330/A340 v0.80 within 48h

BlackBox Simulation has finally achieved their version V0.80 for the Airbus A330/A340 widebody. Within 48 hours, the new installer will be uploaded to the shops

BBS A330 – Another VC preview

Maybe you’re already used to this view, but this time, the A330 of Black Box Simulation has been shot during the development tests currently run with the

BBS A330 Virtual Cockpit preview

It’s more exactly the A330 overhead panel that BlackBox Simulations accepts to reveal to their Facebook fans. After their press release about their development status,

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