Tag: Airac

Navigraph – AIRAC Cycle 2401

AIRAC Cycle 2401 has been released! Update your tools and add-on aircraft FMS databases using the FMS Data Manager, and using the Navigraph Hub for

Navigraph AIRAC Cycle 1412

  Users of Navigraph‘s simulator add-on navigational database updates will want to either run the FMS Data Manager, or visit the manual installers page of

Navigraph adds support for XP10

The latest Navigraph newsletter contains good news for users of X-Plane 10, as beta support to update the sim’s internal navigation data has been added

Navigraph AIRAC Cycle 1301

Navigraph released today the latest AIRAC Cycle 1301 to update FMS and flight planners navigation databses. It can also update some tools like Dispatch Planner III,

Navigraph AIRAC cycle 1205

Flight simulation navigation data suppliers Navigraph have today issued a newsletter to say that AIRAC cycle 1205 is available for subscribers to their updates. Usable

Navigraph Airac Cycle 1203

The Airac Cycle 1203 of March is ready in the FMS data section at Navigraph website. Purchase credits, update FMS and flight planners, and fly

Navigraph – AIRAC Cycle 1202

As every month, Navigraph released the navigation data for Airac Cycle 1202. To update any aircraft FMS or flight planning tool compatible with NAVData, purchase credits

Airac Cycle 1113 Available

Cycle 1113 is now available in the FMS Data section of the Navigraph website. Each cycle costs 20 credits, independent on the number of addons/downloads

Navigraph – AIRAC Cycle 1111

To fly connected with online network like IVAO or VATSIM, it’s recommended to submit and follow a flightplan that respects the actual navigation data. Even

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