Tag: ATR-72

Virtualcol add the ATR-72

Following on from their recently release of its smaller sibling, Virtualcol have now released their low cost, low complexity models of the ATR-72 series as

Aerosoft box ATR-72, Heraklion

Aerosoft have released boxed versions of two of their recent products – Heraklion X (video above) for FS9/FSX/P3D and the ATR-72-500 for X-Plane. Both products

New Aviation DVDs at simMarket

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhaKU2FYf9U It’s video DVDs, rather than new add-ons, that provide the latest entries to simMarket.com’s catalogue, with two new arrivals from Just Planes. The first,

TSS Releases ATR Sounds

TSS has released yet a new soundpack. As they say “…… With this soundpack,we have captured all the best ATR-42/72 sounds with the four blade

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