Tag: Conference

FlightSimCon 2015

Readers within travel range of Connecticut in the United States might want to take a look at the upcoming FlightSimCon 2015 event, taking place over

FSK2014 on today

It might be a bit late unless you are in the immediate area, but Aerosoft‘s Flight Sim Conference Munich is on today, 29th March, from

Schedule announced for FSDevConf

Arno Gerretsen of FSDeveloper has announced the schedule for this weekend’s online FS Developers’ Conference, to be held over both Saturday and Sunday using Google+

Dates Announced for FSDeveloper Conference

The dates for FSDeveloper.com‘s “FSDevConf” Developer Conference have been set as the weekend of 15th November 2013. In a press release issued today, the team

VATSIM Global Conference 2014 in Vienna

Vienna in Austria will play host to next year’s VATSIM Global Conference, announced in a Press Release issued today by the Virtual ATC organisation. “VATSIM

SimFlight Awards And German FS Conference

Do NOT forget…. TOMORROW is already the SEVENTH German-language Flightsim Conference, to be held at the Airport of Paderborn, right next to Aerosoft’s offices. The

Paderborn-Lippstadt For FSX

Another (new) Aerosoft title is Paderborn-Lippstadt. “……. Visit the home base airport of Aerosoft and location of the German Flight Simulation Conference in Microsoft Flight

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