Tag: Fiumicino

MK-Studios – Rome LIRF PBR Preview

Take note that MK-Studios announce a future update for Rome Fiumicino LIRF airport. The main capital city airport in Italy will receive PBR effects on

Aerosoft – Airport Rome XP11

Welcome to Italy ! At Roma Fiumicino LIRF, Aerosoft did an amazing scenery design job with a good balance between visuals and performance. The high

Mega Airport Rome new fan video

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kocbqyEMdAE We are not used to embed here the fans’ videos unless it’s a tutorial or singular Beta preview. There would be just tons of them

Aerosoft – Mega Airport Rome FS2004

It’s finally available, but FS2004 compatible only for now. Mega Airport Rome designed by Dreamfactory will be made for FSX as well of course. As

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