
Tag: France

Aerosoft – Toulouse

Another French airport is available in Aerosoft catalogue, for FSX, and soon for X-Plane 10 as well. Maybe you know about or even had Toulouse

Aerosoft upcoming X-Plane 10 sceneries

Guess what’s the common point between Toulouse X, Zurich X and Lugano X. OK, all of these airports sceneries are published through Aerosoft but no, all of

Aerosoft Toulouse X preview

Toulouse Blagniac LFBO, home airport of Airbus Industries in Europe, from where they takeoff for first time. And it’s also an historic place for Sud

France VFR more Autogen revolution news

The new Autogen engine of France VFR, 3D Automation, has more innovative technical features  to demonstrate. When the source data are available, they can manage

Auvergne Photo HD scenery coverage

The next step in FranceVFR‘s attempts to cover their entire country with photoreal textures for FSX is the Auvergne region, situated in the central region,

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