Tag: gauges

Flyware – FsXPand Future Updates

Flyware will present this year a sequence of updates and extensions, some of them minor, some extensive. One of the new updates contains a Mooney Bravo panel,

Flyware – FsXPand update

This new update is made for FsXPand 7.x Basic, compatible with FsX, Fs2004, X-Plane, and Prepar3D. It loads now two new templates of gauges, for Cessna Caravan and

Flight1 GTN 750/650 v1.0.2 and P3D

The GTN navigation gauges series with touch and drag interface simulation have been updated to version 1.0.2, redownload the product package to proceed. In the meantime,

FSD new product announcement

We’ve not heard much from Flightsim Developers for a while – unless you count repeated sales of existing products. Their latest newsletter to customers, however,

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