Tag: GayaSimulations

GayaSimulation – Courchevel LFLJ Preview

After the successful and beautiful Genoa airport scenery for X-Plane published with Aerosoft, GayaSimulations is currently developing the French Altiport of Courchevel LFLJ in the

Gaya Simulations – Genoa Previews

On their Facebook page, GayaSimulations have uploaded some previews of their upcoming Genoa scenery.Not else to say apart from the fact that the previews are looking

Gaya Simulations – Genova Preview

Gaya Simulations have released a little teaser of their upcoming Genova scenery. The picture above shows part of the process before they apply their custom made textures to

Gaya Simulations – First Genoa Previews

GayaSimulations did a fantastic job with their previous release; Kilimanjaro. They just got that finished and released and they’re already working on another great release

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