Tag: Genoa

Aerosoft – Airport Genoa XP 11

It’s very impressive how GayaSimulation achieved to depict the Italian airport of Genoa in LIMJ for X-Plane 11. Their scenery is now available at simMarket,

Genoa X – Main Features List

As we are getting close to the public release of Genoa X by Gaya Simulation, their airport features list has been published. And thanks to

Gaya Simulation – Genoa news

Genoa city and airport scenery of Gaya Simulation is a particularly exciting project for FSX and P3D. On their to-do list remains the light effects and

Gaya Simulation – Genoa preview

The marvellous city and landscape of Genoa, Italy, will become a detailed scenery soon for FSX/P3D. This is another project that Gaya Simulation is managing

Gaya Simulations – Genoa Previews

On their Facebook page, GayaSimulations have uploaded some previews of their upcoming Genoa scenery.Not else to say apart from the fact that the previews are looking

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