Tag: Honeywell

FS2Crew – RAAS Professional P3D4 64 Bit

httpv://youtu.be/jdr-LbE439M For P3D V4 only, the new version of FS2Crew RAAS Professional simulates the Honeywell system found onboard aircraft to annouce a runway crossing, the

FS2Crew RAAS update

FS2Crew simulates the actual Honeywell system to alert the pilots when they cross or enter a runway, when they land it indicates the remaining distance

FS2Crew – RAAS Professional

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdr-LbE439M&feature=player_embedded RAAS Professional by FS2Crew is a realistic simulation of the actual Honeywell unit to equip airliners in FSX, FS9 and Prepar3D. With this software, you’ll

FSRaas v1.1 Runway Advisory freeware

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUH7gAj24MY&feature=player_embedded How interesting it is when you have knowledge in code programming, you can reproduce some nice piece of software. That’s what Dongjin Shin did

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