Virtavia – Liberator RAF Variants P3D or FSX
Liberator RAF Variants is a sort of expansion for the B-24 Liberator of Virtavia. This pack brings 11 additional variants and liveries for the US
Liberator RAF Variants is a sort of expansion for the B-24 Liberator of Virtavia. This pack brings 11 additional variants and liveries for the US
Loaded with a soundset from Turbine Sound Studios, this B-24 Liberator of Virtavia flies in P3D v4/v3, and you will seat in its functional virtual
Alphasim’s second appearance in a Flight1 box is the B-24. “….. Five authentic aircraft are included the B-24J, ‘Satan’s Gal’, B-24D, ‘Hellsadroppin II’, B-24G, ‘The