Tag: Pyrénées

France VFR – Pau-Pyrénées (LFBP) MSFS

A very nice with many objects and detail scenery from France VFR. It’s Pau Pyrénées Airport, a French airport located in Pyrenees-Atlantiques department in the

Pic du Midi v2 from Alro Creations

Definitely one for the rotary-wing pilot, rather than the airliner fans, Alro Creations have updated and reworked their recreation of the “Observatoire Astronomique du Pic

FranceVFR Midi-Pyrenees Photoreal

Most regular readers will, by now, be familiar with FranceVFR‘s photoreal area sceneries. Based on IGN aerial photography, they provide 0.85m – 1m/pixel photoreal imagery

Gliding Competition In Mission Pack

Here’s a pack with glider missions and an associated competition linked to them, made by Rousillon Aero Simulation of France. “…. Make a route of

Pic du Midi From Alro Création

“….. As a real landmark for VFR flight enthusiasts, this scene is also a real challenge for experienced helicopter pilots. Atmospheric conditions, the small size

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