Tag: Taburet

Taburet – Spain 10M Mesh P3D5

Among the latest products released by Taburet, either for P3D or X-Plane, the newest are custom mesh at 10 meters resolution for P3D5. There’s one

Taburet – Mont Blanc XP11

Taburet assembled a high resolution mesh and photoreal textures to recreate the highest peak of Europe in X-Plane 11. Install Mont-Blanc and you’re good for

Taburet – Los Angeles XP

Dallas, San Francisco, Denver and now Los Angeles for X-Plane 11. All these US cities are covered by Taburet with a photoreal terrain and Autogen

Taburet – Dallas XP11

Overfly another US city with the urban scenery of Taburet Dallas for X-Plane 11. It’s a complete product made of custom Autogen objects, new lights

Taburet – Denver XP

After San Francisco, Taburet adds Denver XP as a complete city scenery for X-Plane 11. The urban area is covered of Autogen objects with buildings,

Taburet – San Francisco XP

In California, San Francisco city and its surroundings have a new look in X-Plane 11 after the install of Taburet – San Francisco XP. Based on

Taburet – MeshXP France X-Plane 11

MeshXP series of Taburet are made to integrate more detailed elevated terrain in X-Plane 11. The latest title covers France, and it is made upon

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