It’s Your Plane Version 4.1 Released

iyp-logo-red-stencil-finalIt’s Your Plane announces “…… the release of IYP Version 4.1 — a complete rewrite designed to be able to more easily incorporate the many new aircraft designs that IYP users have been requesting.  Version 4.1.0 also includes the following new and upgraded features….”. IYP’s website is here.“…… New and Upgraded IYP Features:

New and Interactive Pushback – The First Officer now calls ground operations to execute perfect and accident free pushbacks. . . it is ‘virtual reality’ at its best!

More Natural Taxiing speed – When making a turn while taxiing, the co-pilot slows the aircraft speed, as one would normally do with a real aircraft.

ICAO Code – When creating a flight and doing the checklists, the co-pilot may prompt the Captain for the ICAO code for the destination airport.

ACARS — When you say, “Start ACARS logging.” your co-pilot will prompt you for the departure airport details and the PLANNED CRUISE LEVEL, for more details click here.

Destination Prompts – If you just jumped into your plane and took off without defining your destination or giving the details to your co-pilot, and at any time during the flight you refer to your destination, she or he will ask you for the destination airport details.

Waypoint Information – When passing over a waypoint, the co-pilot calls out the information. e.g. “passing over Hotel Unicorn Hotel (HUH).”   Shortly after passing each waypoint, the co-pilot calls out the next waypoint and the distance to it.  e.g. “Next waypoint, Charlie Yankee Delta, distance 72 miles.”

Destination Distance and Direction – When the aircraft is at or within 25 miles of the destination airport, the co-pilot reports the distance and direction of the airport.  e.g. “25 miles, 11 o’clock.”  The co-pilot continues to call out the distance and direction at various distances all the way in to the destination airport. e.g. 22, 20, 18, 15, miles, etc.

Speed Control – Speed control of GA and Turbo-prop aircraft (aircraft that don’t have a natural throttle control) has been dramatically improved.

Altitude and Rate of Climb  – specifically to help blind and visually impaired IYP users – At 500 feet AGL, 1000 feet AGL, and every 1000 feet thereafter, the co-pilot calls out the altitude and vertical rate of climb.  e.g. 1000, rate 1800.

Flight Training
IYP has a new built-in flight training facility with an interactive “live” co-pilot who can be asked to walk you through any or all the IYP checklists from Pre-flight to Shutdown, in both GA (General Aviation) and Jetliners….”.

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