SSM2007 Updated Manuals

SSM2007 Space Shuttle Simulator
SSM2007 Space Shuttle Simulator

Exciting Simulations reports that”…..  it has released an updated set of manuals for the Space Shuttle Mission 2007 simulator.  The Quick Start and Commander’s Reference Manual reflect the latest additions and changes for the Approach, TAEM and landing procedures, key command additions, a whole new chapter explaining the Deorbit Trajectory displays and new hints and clarifications……”.
“…. This grows the Commander’s Reference Manual to 112 pages full of information and tips. A new Landing Video Tutorial is also in the works, to be released shortly.

The Space Shuttle Mission 2007 is available for online purchase in downloadable format at the SSM2007 website. Both manuals and the latest Demo can also be downloaded freely at the same website….”.

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