AMD Phenom Processors Reviewed

amd-phenomFS(X) runs mostly on processor power and thus new processors are always interesting for the flight simulator crowd. Guru3D has a look at AMD’s Phenom CPU’s. “……AMD released two processors in the Phenom II line-up, the Phenom II 955BE and the Phenom II X4 945 processor. Both processors can be considered and positioned in AMDs high-end segment, yet will be priced friendly. Yields are good, clock frequencies go up, performance goes up. ….”.“….. And that’s nice as the Phenom II series processors offer great performance for the money you have to lay down on the table. AMD Phenom series processors are slowly ripening, and are aging like fine wine (they get even better over time).
Guru3D brings you an in-depth performance review and architectural overview on both these processors. Oh yea .. and we’ll overclock the living daylights out of it as well. You can find the review here….”.

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