
Day: September 6, 2011

TFDI Design – 737 Ultra Sound V2

httpv:// In their new version 2, TFDI Design added callouts sounds and gauge to their 737 engines soundset. The upgrade to V2 is free for

Iris Simulations C-27J Spartan Released

Newly released by Iris Simulations as part of their “Platinum Series” of models, the C-27J, for anyone who doesn’t know it, is best described as

FCS Downloads at simMarket

We can’t really call these “new”, as they have been available in boxed versions and direct from the publisher for some time. Now, however First

KHQM freeware by Orbx

Set your heading to Washington state, descend to Orbx freeware page, maintain your browser loading, and you’re cleared to download KHQM Bowerman ! Facing the

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