Day: September 28, 2013

PFPX v1.09 supports Winds Uplink to PMDG 777

The new update 1.09 for Professional Flight Planner X automatically sends the flightplan waypoints winds aloft info to PMDG 777 FMC. There are more fixes included, the flight

8th Mondial de la Simulation in Paris

Since yesterday, and until this sunday 28th night, the 8th Mondial de la Simulation has taken place in Paris Le Bourget Air and Space Museem. More than 30 exhibitors

FS2Crew for Airbus X Extended

Although there is are a virtual copilot and interactive checklists already included with Airbus X Extended by Aerosoft, FS2Crew asked their users community if they

American Truck Simulator project

The developers team of SCS Software have been split to work on different projects at the same time. The first ones work on expanding Euro

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