FS2Crew for Airbus X Extended

FS2Crew_Airbus_X_ExtendedAlthough there is are a virtual copilot and interactive checklists already included with Airbus X Extended by Aerosoft, FS2Crew asked their users community if they would like a complete flight crew simulation. And the answer was positive !

FS2Crew allows a full crew simulation, respecting the airline procedures. The flight attendant and copilot briefing come along the ground crew interactions for pushback but also to firm the payload and fuel load sheet for instance. The copilot follows the checklists and procedures flows to help you get the systems ready according to his respective workload.

FS2Crew exists as a Voice Control edition if you have Windows 7 in English (or another language as Pro / Ultimate edition), or you can select the Button Control edition. It requires Aerosoft Airbus X Extended and FSX or P3D.

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