Day: December 19, 2013

Users asked, Michal Puto answers…

Also posted on Facebook today is the reply post to A2A Simulations‘ recent request for questions to artist Michal Puto who, amongst other roles, was

Metal2Mesh Mirage cockpit Beta

Over at their Facebook page, Metal2Mesh have posted some screenshots of their upcoming Mirage 2000C in Lockheed Martin’s Prepar3D v2 simulator. According to a post

January/February PC Pilot on the shelves

The latest issue of PC Pilot magazine, for January and February, has hit the shelves of newsagents, or subscribers’ doormats, featuring the usual array of

iPad AeroflyFS gains another model

It’s possibly an odd choice for a VFR-orientated sim controlled by waving a tablet around, but the latest update to Ikarus Aerofly FS on iPad,

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