CaptainSim 777 Service Pack 1.7 Released


CaptainSim have just released Service Pack 1.7 for their 777 which includes a range of new changes, mainly being FSX: SE & Prepar3D v3 support! If you own the 777 currently, then simply re download the new installer from your user area on the CS website. If you haven’t already purchased the 777, then you can do so on their website. Full Change log Below;

      – FSX Steam Edition compatibility added (Base pack for FSX and Expansions)
      – Prepar3D v.3.x compatibility added (Base pack for Prepar3D and Expansions)
      – Installator issues fixed
      – Simconnect issues fixed
      – AIRAC cycle included into the package updated (1506)
      – Autopilot following VNAV path improved
      – Autopilot following VNAV speed improved
      – Autopilot FLCH mode improved
      – Autopilot flare mode improved
      – ILS approach improved
      – Manually tuned VOR/ILS fixed
      – ILS frequency autosetting after the first flight fixed
      – Right FD switch issue fixed
      – Deviation from centerline during autoland fixed
      – Feet/meter conversion on the PFD fixed
      – EFIS STEP mode on LEGS page fixed
      – Left EFIS range control fixed
      – Pitch mode indication on the FMA fixed
      – FMA speed mode indication improved
      – CDU selection corrected
      – MCP knobs “runaway” problem fixed
      – Bank angle limitation on the MCP influence on turns in LNAV mode removed
      – Speed and altitude limits setting in the FMC on HOLD points fixed
      – PFD localizer diamond and scale drawing fixed
      – PFD thrust mode indication fixed
      – FMC SID/STAR/IAP waypoints calculation and drawing improved
      – FMC progress page distance indication fixed
      – FMC route fuel calculation improved
      – FMC Legs Page numbers fixed
      – FMC VNAV DES Page page fixed
      – FMC VNAV path calculation fixed
      – FMC VOR tuning fixed
      – ND Plan Mode aircraft symbol drawing fixed
      – ND STA, MAP and ARPT points drawing fixed
      – ND FIX points circle indication on the ND corrected
      – ND Vertical track indicator wrong way fixed
      – ND Altitude Range Arc drawing fixed
      – Hydraulic system bugs fixed
      – Hydraulic valves on the upper overhead fixed
      – Flaps indication on EICAS fixed
      – Intermediate waypoint SPEED calculation improved
      – Beacon light position fixed
      – Rudder animation fixed
      – Wipers animation fixed
      – FSX-SE: flight deck sounds fixed
       Engine out autothrottle behavior fixed
      – 777 Connect: Help menu added
      – Code optimized


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