SoFly – A Guide to Flight Sim v1.30 – TBM 930 tutorial added
The Version 1.30 of A Guide to Flight Simulator focuses on an all-new tutorial for the fantastic TBM 930. This fast, dynamic and exciting aircraft
The Version 1.30 of A Guide to Flight Simulator focuses on an all-new tutorial for the fantastic TBM 930. This fast, dynamic and exciting aircraft
The new version P3D v4 and compatible v5 of KLIA Kuala Lumpur is “almost done” wrote A_A Sceneries. Only the final tweaks, tests and setup
The talented group is running the Beta tests in MSFS of their Irish airport scenery : Dublin EIDW. MK-Studios‘ next projects are Keflavik, Helsinki, Fuerteventura
LHSimulations has posted online the first screenshot of their future scenery for MSFS : Budapest LHBP. The realistic 3D grass and the quality of the