Category: events


FS Weekend 2019

New edition 2019 of the Flight Sim event FS Weekend in Netherlands : il will be set again at the Aviation Museum Aviodrome at Lelystad,


Flight Sim Show 2019 at Cosford

Near Manchester in England, Just Flight organizes this weekend at Cosford the 2019 edition of the Flight Sim Show. This October 5th and 6th, visit


FlightSimExpo – All-Expenses Paid Trip Giveaway

One lucky simmer will WIN an all-expenses paid trip to Orlando for FlightSimExpo on June 7-9 courtesy of Thrustmaster! The prize includes travel, accommodation, event


FlightSimExpo 2019 : +30 Confirmed Exhibitors

On June 7-9th in Orlando, FlightSimExpo 2019 will have more than 30 exhibitors that are already confirmed : Aerosoft, Navigraph, Milviz, Pilot’s, TFDi Design, PC Pilot,


OZ Flight Sim Expo 2019

After the 2017 and 2018 editions, they are planning another event in 2019. Book your weekend of November 23-24th 2019 in Australia. More info in


IVAO 20th Anniversary – Crowded Skies Event

IVAO network invites the virtual pilots to participate in their 20th Anniversary and the top event is Crowded Skies, on December 1st. Ribbon rewards and a


simMarket Offers for VATSIM Event

In partnership with VATSIM network, simMarket announce new sales starting today for major airports involved with Cross The Pond 2018 event, flying from Eastern American


FlightSimShow 2018 – Cosford RAF Museum UK

Book Saturday 6th of October to meet the other simmers and exhibitors to attend another edition of the Flight Sim Show of Just Flight, at


737 Full Motion Simulator

You are invited to visit for free the new 737-800 Full Motion Simulator to open tomorrow in Hamburg, Germany, by In partnership with Motion for

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