Tag: Algeria

Prealsoft – Algiers Airport DAAG

Released ! Algiers DAAG is the first part of Prealsoft‘s project for the capital of Algeria. The whole Houari Boumediene Airport is modelled for FSX and P3D. A

Prealsoft – Algiers X3D Progress

They claim “it’s coming soon !”, and that sounds good to Prealsoft customers and other pilots interested in a new scenery for Northern Africa in

Prealsoft – Alger X3D Preview

In the HD Cities collection, Prealsoft will add soon Alger 3XD, including the urban scenery of the capital city of Algeria, and its main airport

Prealsoft – Fly Algers New Preview

In just a few months, PrealSoft think that Algers will be finished, maybe in March 2017. When there’s an online event in the virtual sky of Algeria,

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