Tag: Mig-21

AFS-Design – MIG-21 V2 FSX

The famous MiG-21 gets a new version 2 from AFS-Design team, exclusively made for FSX. Among the new features, you will appreciate the new sound and

AFS Design – Russian Jets

This is not a screenshot made in Lock On or Flaming Cliffs, “just” AFS-Design Russian Jets FSX ! It’s a package including the MIG-21, MIG-29

AFS Design – MIG-21 FSX

The new MIG-21 model for FSX from AFS Design landed at simMarket military base. Their long features list include pilot and flight instructor, clickable virtual

Mig-21 By AFS

AFS Design has published a Mig-21 ‘Fishbed’ for FS2004. There are still a lot of people running the ‘old’ sim, so no doubt there’s a

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