TropicalSim’s Brazil Full Pack

TropicalSim\'s Brazil Full PackTropicalSim has updated its “……complete FS2004 Brazilian scenery package, adding our latest national release: Rio de Janeiro’s Santos-Dumont airport. This pack features 49 Brazilian airports, 5 of those are also offered as a bonus gift in an FSX version….”. Purchase it now from simMarket.

“…..We also remain with our tradition of offering updated bundles that has value for your money, at the price of 6-7 of our singles airport purchases. The 5 FSX airport bonus gift includes the following airports: Salvador/SBSV, Galeao/SBGL, Santos-Dumont/SBRJ, Congonhas/SBSP and Maceió/SBMO, compatible with FSX RTM, SP1 or SP2…..”.

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