Have a Comment?

You may not have noticed, but with the new lay-out of simFlight we have also re-opened the possibility for you to add comments. That way you can help authors of products, or even – gasp! – the editors of your favorite FS news site improve the products. Another new option is to send us NEWS by inserting it yourself. See the CONTRIBUTE tab along the top of this page. Of course we will edit news posts to make them fit the general lay-out and policies. Be more active, join in on simFlight activities !

0 Responses

  1. I like that. Having trained the FS populace not to comment, it might take a while to get us back into the swing of things, but it makes Simflight a more interesting place to visit. I really like the new site, too. About time for a change!

  2. Why open the possibility to comment when you’re getting censored ahem sorry ‘moderated’ when you write something the chief editor doesn’t like…? Oh I see you only wanna read ‘oh’s’and ‘ah’s’.

  3. Forums work the same way Rob IMO, I’d say it’s usually the way people make their points rather than the point itself that causes posts/comments to be removed or locked.

  4. I know for a fact that I will not delete something that states something I disagree with. Post a reply, yes. PM and suggest the author corrects the post if factually inaccurate, yes. Delete? No.

    I’ll delete inappropriate content (I had to moderate myself the other day. That was… “interesting”…) but I will say here what I was thinking earlier…

    Some people do seem to be using the scoring system for news articles on the front page here, since the system was implimented. I wish people would post a comment as to why they gave that score – whether it’s the product they like/don’t like (with reasons, not just “because it’s &%@#*”) or whether they’d like us to post the news a different way. I’d like to know the reasons behind those scores, though.

  5. I’m going to leave a new comment as there has been no announcement in which I can vote or leave a reply.

    Happy new logo…fresh but yet familiar 😉

    4.5 stars.

  6. thank you nick… we do it subtle… and we try to draw the attention (wake up!!) of our chief editor with it at times… but it does not always work! 🙂 🙂

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