Carenado’s C182 Skylane Goes FSX

Fernando Herrera of Carenado reports “……. on September 12th Carenado released a new aircraft developed especially for FSX: the traditional C 182 Skylane II RG which was previously developed for FS2004 by the company.  Like all other FSX releases this aircraft takes advantage of all new features that FSX and DX10 allow, like cast shadows on VC, external dynamic cast shadows, normal mapping, specular mapping and bloom lights, resulting in a superior representation of this aircraft. With this addition our Full FSX fleet is now composed of: Mooney M20J, C206, Piper Cherokee and the new C182RG…….”.

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  1. I find it unbelievable that in their latest and greatest Carenado are still using a localizer gauge with the reflection of the photographer in it’s glass. This reflection has been around for years. Perhaps it is some sort of trade mark? Apart from that and the jaggard VC shadow edges it looks great.

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