
Day: December 21, 2008

IcarusGold’s Gloster Gladiator

IcarusGold, the aircraft developer from Italy, has released its Gloster Gladiator for FSX. In their own words it features “…… new highly detailed model, a

Citation X 2.0 w\FMS Released

Eaglesoft Development Group reports that they are “…… happy to announce the release of our FS2004 Cessna Citation X Version 2.0 w/FMS is now available!….”

Citation X 2.0 w\FMS Released

Eaglesoft Development Group reports that they are “…… happy to announce the release of our FS2004 Cessna Citation X Version 2.0 w/FMS is now available!….”

SynchroSoft Soundsets Discounted

All SynchroSoft soundsets are now offered for Euro 5,50 in simMarket’s shop. You’ll find them all neatly listed on the ‘Specials Page’ that has been

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