Graphics Cards Tested On HAWX

85842-hawx_ca_01Guru3D’s Hilbert Hagendoorn is having a look at the new Ubisoft Flying Game HAWX and tested it on a variety of graphics cards. “….. In this article we’ll take a dozen of graphics cards and see how well they perform with Ubuoft’s latest title, Tom Clancy’s HAWX. An amazingly looking arcade ‘flight simulator’. Visually the game is impressive, especially when flying in-close to cities, which really shows off the building details.
But it’s when the game pulls into the third-person perspective while you dog-fight that the game flaunts its visuals and you really see much of the environment.

HAWX is probably not for everybody, but the idea behind the game is refreshing, it plays really well and the graphics really are just amazing. We tested 12 graphics cards with this game. Read our full report here….”.

By the way, on simFlight Benelux we have a screenshot competition opened for winning a number of Ubisoft ‘goodies’, including some copies of HAWX, open for Benelux readers. Another few days left to compete, check it out here !

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