Flight1’s Heli Traffic 2009

helitraffic0Flight One Software “…. is proud to announce Heli Traffic 2009, a Flight Simulator X module that creates helicopter AI traffic. It is the first Flight Simulator add-on to offer realistic AI helicopters that take off and land vertically, fly like helicopters and use helipads and not runways.

This innovative product brings it’s own AI engine that controls helicopters, which results in a very realistic flight behavior. It also offers excellent customization options…..”.
“….. Heli Traffic 2009 will fill the sky with AI helicopters flying randomly chosen routes according to your settings. You can also add scheduled helicopters that fly fixed routes or maybe just circle in the sky, and define your own landing spots. The product can use every helicopter installed in FSX.

For more information and to purchase Heli Traffic 2009, please visit the product page…..”.