Courseplanner 4 On simMarket

courseplannerThe programmer of ‘Myoddweb’  (must be living in England to think of such a company name) has just released his latest version of the flightplanner for you. “……. Courseplanner 4 is a complete flight planner for FSX that allows you to create adventures and flight plans or simply help you as you fly. View all the AI traffic (including the multi-players), currently flying, with info on altitude, speed and more……”. Get your copy here !

“…… Use the computers on your network to run Courseplanner on one machine and Flight simulator on another. Become your own traffic controller or simply view your progress on any flights.

The system will pause at any way point or within range of the final airport, so you can leave your computer and not worry about if your late.  Even better you we will fly your plane all the way to the airport for you, at any altitude. it will be better than having a co-pilot

Create complex flight plans for FSX!
You can go from anywhere in the world to anywhere in the world, land, take off at countless airports.
The ATC will guide you toward your airport as well as help you when landing.
The co-pilot will tune your radio for you allowing to fly the plane more effectively.
The briefing files also include all the radio frequencies as well as the vectors you should follow…..”.

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