Just Flight Sells Books

jf-ianallan-bookJust Flight reports that “….. we’ve branched out into the literature market. Well not entirely true but we have decided to start selling top quality books related to flight simming. Our first foray sees us selling the excellent Air Combat Manoeuvres from Ian Allan….”.
“….. This is the definitive guide for combat simulation pilots, with easily accessible information and colourful illustrations that can be used as a guide to the methods of air combat from World War One to the modern day.
Using state-of-the-art digital illustration techniques, the book shows how and when to employ the best manoeuvres to beat both the computer and other players. Diagrams show both the manoeuvre itself and the actual methods used on the joystick.
Further sections deal with ground attack, mission planning and the historical perspective. Air Combat Manoeuvres is relevant to entry level combat pilots and also those who have been in online gaming communities for years.
To help bring history to life, the text and diagrams are supported by historical narratives from real combat pilots, and also included are design histories on key aircraft and full colour profile artworks.

°    Paperback
°    256 pages
°    Over 600 photographs and diagrams….”.

More information can be obtained here.

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