New Release Of MyTraffic Coming

2072_76_mtxv52-1Burkhard Renk of MyTraffic is constantly improving what already is the world’s best AI Traffic program for both FS9 and FSX.

“…. With the release of MyTraffix X 5.2a there will be a notable improvement of the eastern hemisphere traffic, airline companies and aircraft.

It includes all new models and paints from Antonov, Ilyushin, Tupolev and Yakolew, and so is at the point where all currently flying airliners and larger commuters are built new from scratch for FSX and newly repainted in all colors they carry currently (unless the number of aircraft is marginal, like one or two cases)….”.

The free upgrade (for existing customers) is expected to be announced as soon as the last beta tests have finished. Any time now!
MyTraffic X can be found here on simMarket of course.

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