New Poll Posted

simflightlogoIn the right hand column you can find our new poll; Do you use Facebook? Why are we curious? Because WE are using it and already have a few ‘groups’ running there (such as the Emma Field group and the Support FS group). We’re planning on expanding that presence, but are curious to know how many of our readers would find us. Facebook is a ‘social networking’  application, something between chat, email and blog. More info here.

0 Responses

  1. You might also consider asking whether we would like to use Facebook. I for one don’t, because i don’t like hanging out my laundry on the web.

  2. It IS a different answer than a simple NO, because it would give you ADDITIONAL information, like: not already on facebook but interested / willing to join facebook in the (near) future versus not already on facebook and completely not interested.
    Sorry for shouting, but I didn’t feel my remark was that stupid! If it turns out that a majority of NO sayers is not at all interested in joining in the future that would be very interesting information, IMHO.

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