TweakFS has “……. released a significant update for TweakFPS for FSX, the FSX.CFG file utility and Scenery Mode switching tool. Version 2.0 adds a new page with the ability to manage an unlimited number of custom or “advanced” FSX.CFG parameters (e.g. BufferPools). Various enhancements such as fully editable tooltip pop-up hints that store personal notes on the range of each setting plus a major re-design of the user interface continue to make TweakFPS, now in its fifth year, a safe environment in which to make changes to the much hallowed and oft searched-for FSX.CFG file.
This 2.0 release is free for registered users of any previous 1.x versions and a reduced-price upgrade is available for FS2004 editions users. More information and a free 30-day demo can be obtained here….”.
Other TweakFS products can also be found at simMarket.
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