Day: August 20, 2009

Cessna 140 Under Development

SimFlight3D of California reports that he “…… is currently developing the FSX version of the 1947 C140 (tail dragger), a single engine, 2-seater aircraft that

Gliding Competition In Mission Pack

Here’s a pack with glider missions and an associated competition linked to them, made by Rousillon Aero Simulation of France. “…. Make a route of

VATSIM Interview On Sky Blue Radio

Richard Rudd of Sky Blue Radio writes that they are “….. presenting a very special live Flight Sim in Focus show this Saturday August 22nd

VFR Germany Part 4 Announced

Aerosoft in Germany announced their Part 4 of VFR Germany to be ready for pre-order and to be published in September. They write about the

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