Here Come The Sexy Marshallers

ostayevo_2No, we’re not turning into an X-rated sim site, but the Russian developers of Ostafyevo (Alfafly) have for some reason added hotpants-clad female marshallers to their scenery. Not sure if this really will help with proper parking procedures and maybe they should have added some carrier-type safety nets too! Although from the pictures the scenery still looks a bit FS2004-ish, it is a welcome change from the usual airports and maybe worth a second look.

Available from simMarket here.

0 Responses

  1. Francois and the other staff. Your so called “news” which is more like a downgrading “review” is racist more than anything else. We all know how highly Russian are regarded as in Europe and rest of the western world. You will always take the time to mention “Russians” . It’s a fact but will you mention it if they were “american” or “english developers” YOU WON’T. However you will do your research and find out if they are “south american, french, russian” and post it.
    1: Anyway besides this! Your post is very condescending. You made a mockery of then adding female marshalers ( so what ? ) half of your post is about the females. your funny little comment about is to add “carrier-type safety nets” ??? I can’t believe you would make fun of a payware scenery like this….
    2: Secondly you mocked it again that it looks “FS2004ish” just say it looks CRAP stop your dark english sarcasm.
    3: “maybe worth a second look” as a reader after reading your lil new come review. i’d say maybe as well.

    This is just one your lil news (reviews) I can count soooo many that aren’t funny instead riddled with dark english sarcasm and mockery of the product.

    1. Martin, thank you for your input.. you are always welcome to ‘make it better’, why not join our editorial team?

  2. Miguel, Glad you take the time to actually read comments. I can’t join your editorial team when you have people like francois around who have vested interest in the community both for free and payware. Obviously anything that comes from his mouth will be biased. Anybody who runs any payware schemes in flighsim community will always be trying to promote his interests directly or indirectly.

    Read for yourself.

    A NEWS from your website:

    No, we’re not turning into an X-rated sim site, but the Russian developers of Ostafyevo (Alfafly) have for some reason added hotpants-clad female marshallers to their scenery. Not sure if this really will help with proper parking procedures and maybe they should have added some carrier-type safety nets too! Although from the pictures the scenery still looks a bit FS2004-ish, it is a welcome change from the usual airports and maybe worth a second look.

    Now a version from FLIGHTSIM.

    Alfafly Releases Ostafyevo International Airport

    Ostafyevo is the most popular Russian airport for international business travel. Now thanks to Alfafly, FSX pilots can visit a highly detailed version of the airport with such features as animated marshallers, 3D lighting, photoreal building textures and much more. For details, read this announcement.

    Miguel- Do you see the contrast ?

    I hope you can! To some people it doesn’t matter. But if you read it carefully will start seeing how the news on your website is a joke. Both of you SIMFLIGHT and FLIGHTSIM are selling this product. Tell me after reading this who will make more sales?

    Anyway it’s not just sales. I can point out ALOT of posts by him that are jokes and sarcastic. Is this website made to mock and joke about addons.?

  3. martin, francois is not a clown! i don’t know for how long you have been reading our site but if you go back the records you will see that francois is not about news like this only, in the conry. people have bad days.. people have days where they can’t see it all anymore but their boss still wants results, people have stressful days, etc, etc…

    you made your point, for which we are thankful and we shall see how things continue.

  4. Miguel thanks for understanding my point.

    Francois you still don’t understand. Yes by all means joke around, amuse your audience. BUT please don’t do it on somebody elses account. In this case, TSS, and “russians” “french” “south americans”.

    News is news, they released a scenery that took time to develop. don’t make fun of it. if you don’t like it. Why can’t you review it and give it bad marks. What you are doing is very wrong.

  5. Francois, You DO admit at poking on products. Fine you’ve made it clear that you do it on payware products.

    Are all the products published by Fsaddons freeware? If you are so against payware why not make Fsaddons products freeware ? …

    Do you do the same for hardware? Lots of FS goodies available that cost fortune. ?


  6. Martin, I have known Francois for almost ten years. There is not a more dedicated person in this industry or this hobby. Perhaps your comparison shows a difference. However, I am thankful that Francois does not mirror other sites. That is what makes this site refreshing to come to. It is not a copy of other sites, it has its own personality. Stick around and learn the personalities of the players here and you may see how wrong you really are.

  7. What is Martin moaning about? A retailer who does not praise everything, regardless of quality, is a blooming hero!
    Most of my purchases are made via Simmarket and the service is great, as are the forums.
    Anyway, in the sim-world Russia often means “good” and it is nice to have a hint as to the quality of a product before purchasing.
    Francois clearly puts the customer first, in my opinion.

  8. I have a few problems with Martins comments. I am not going to involve myself in the issue involved here, it could be any issue, but i take issue with the comment, “Francois and the other staff. Your so called β€œnews” which is more like a downgrading β€œreview” is racist more than anything else.” First of all, Miguel provides a section called “news”, and actively solicits news, from everyone. This is something that should NEVER be discouraged for any reason. I have never seen it say,i would like news only from people with certain opinions, so please don’t disrepect this type of forum. And certainly don’t lump it in or make it look like fabricated reviews, or a forum for racist comments. I couldn’t help but notice a most professional reply, that INCLUDED, and invitation to join the editorial team. Again proving my point that Miguel invites ALL opinions, and gives more than fair opportunity for people to get involved, (including an invitation to joint the editorial team) and this to me prooves that there is not an ounce of bias on Miguel’s part. If you have an issue with what is written, as you obviously do, direct it where it belongs. Miguel is not the target, nor should he be. If you really feel passionately about this, then perhaps don’t push away the offer to join and speak your peace, add your input, etc. To say you can’t be involved in this because of someone else, is a copout to me. And again please direct your issues where they belong. Don’t drag Miguel’s news, or any of his websites into it. He printed your objections didn’t he. A truly biased setting would have buried your comments and i would not have this opportunity to disagree with the fact that you are lumping your anger involving one issue into anger at the news, biased opinions due to payware, freeware, vested intertests, and other comments together. Francois is one voice of many, regardless of whether i agree with him or not, to paint everyone including Miguel the same color as Francois would seem to me, to be to be a little prejudiced, see what i mean. I have the utmost respect for Miguel, and for anyone who speaks their opinion. Miguel allows all of us to do this. So my humble request is this. Take up your issues with the individual wiht whom you have a problem with. Also in the future, if a person like Miguel offers you a forum such as being part of his editorial team, See it for the opportunity it is. Don’t refuse on the merit of one person, and most certainly it would be incorrect to infer that any single persons opinion, point of view, percetptions, biases, (real or not) are to be lumped together with everyone involved. This would be a serious error in my opinion. Thank you Miguel, Thank you Francois, and thank you Martin, as well as every single person who takes the time to take advantage of (a service Miguel provides) oppotunities such as this and let their opinions be heard.
    Humbly and sincerely

  9. Thanks for all the comments folks. I already forgot about this ‘thread’, being away on business and flying, but noticed the comments scrolling on the front page.
    Martin has two problems (with me):

    1. He doesn’t ‘get it’… either because a lack of sense of humor, or because English isn’t his mother tongue, probably both. ‘Racist’ is a word for something entirely different and in this case just too silly to react to seriously.

    2. As long as I am the Managing editor here and elsewhere I will exercise my privilege to be honest, critical, skeptical, enthusiastic and personal wherever I deem fit. I am not forcing anyone to read, either.

    Yes, I am paid by simMarket/simFlight. That doesn’t mean I will praise any product into heaven that’s marketed by simMarket, although I do try and be mellow in my comments in most cases.

    Now, lets move on…… πŸ˜‰

  10. To be honest I would buy it from Francois and Miquel really due to the fact it had some humour in it but hey, that is just me

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