New Orleans From Aerosoft

neworleans_24The third product in their series of US Cities X, made by LimeSim (i.e. Sascha Normann) for Aerosoft, is New Orleans. It is ‘based on an extensive aerial image it has all the major buildings and landmarks plus all the heliports that are inside the covered areas….’ according to the marketing blurb.
One thing this editor is not in full agreement with is the statement that ‘….. because the file size is rather large due to the ground image it only includes one season (in most cases this is not a real issue)…… .’. Personally I don’t like being forced to fly VFR only in summer, but maybe I am spoiled by some other products.
No doubt a nice product with lots of detail and a good purchase if you’re into these sort of things.

Available here at simMarket.

0 Responses

  1. Francois, we’ll do a hard winter version for you with loads of snow, okay? Lol.

    Of course New Orleans has official a “humid subtropical” climate and not really a lot of differences in how things look from the air between August and December. Unless you go real low and see how the people all wear short trousers.

  2. Now I am confused. What happens when you fly in December? Will you get default textures or summer textures? In case of the latter, it is fine by me, I suppose.

  3. The way photosceneries work, if you don’t specify textures for each season then they constantly show the one season, at any time of year. So if the photos were taken in summer, you’ll see summer textures all year round.

    I think Mathijs and Francois are winding each other up, here. Where’s the rolling eyes emoticon? 😉

  4. Just teasing…… although I am not a big fan of photoscenery, as may be known, even though we now use it in our own scenery too…. sparingly…. 😉

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