News From FlyWare

xpand100x100-7Recently Flyware announced FsXPand 5.8. “….  FsXPand is a networked cockpit panel toolbox for FS featuring 737NG PFD/ND, 737/747/F100/F70 EICAS and generic gauges.  This version is offering the possibility of loading a flightplan on the Navigational Display, and executing it, by flying FS in GPS mode. Demo is fully functional. Users of previous versions will have to buy an upgrade….”.

“…. Import cockpits from previous version, use panel picker to compose your cockpit, use key commands for functions in FS.
Contains Gauge editor: Change fonts and colours and more in most gauges

New features:

    * import FS 2004 flightplan
    * import FSX flightplan
    * show FP magenta lines in ND
    * key commands for previous-next waypoint
    * PLAN mode added as panel #7 in pfdnd and pfdnd_1024
    * EFIS key command added Press BARO – inches to hp vv

    * EICAS Thrust Mode annunciations (simulated)
    * EICAS fuel low
    * EICAS fuel imbalance

    * PFD Flight Mode Annunciations (simulated)
    * PFD enhanced performance

    * AI Align analog and buttons
    * Aileron trim analogs and buttons
    * Rudder trim analogs and buttons

Please note that this is NOT an FS panel porting utility. More information on our site….”.

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