Why Fly – Great New Webzine About Flying

A brand new, on-line, commercial ‘web-zine’ has been born. Conceived, designed and ultimately produced and launched by some friends (Glenn Norman and Michelle Goodeve) and people many of us know (Hal Bryan and Mike Singer, both fromer MSFS gurus)! It is called Why Fly and is all about WHY we/you love FLYING (and aviation). “

……  Glenn and Michelle fell in love with each other–and the sky–while they were still in their teens. After getting their start as aviation writers, they’ve spent the past 25 years working as actors, screenwriters, story editors and producers on numerous TV shows. But as most of their stories were about flying, the couple decided to combine their skills and create Why Fly in partnership with their friends Hal Bryan and Mike Singer….”.

You can see the FREE initial version by going here ! I know you’ll like what you see, so get a subscription and make sure the mag takes off into a wonderful future, serving us all with great stories about flying !

0 Responses

  1. I read a couple of articles and found them really interesting – enthusiastic even. I did enjoy what I read.

    But I wonder at the price, which is in the same order as some paper mags.

    In the end it will be a personal thing. If you are interested in flight and you like reading, this may be something.

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