
VATIL – Cyprus vACC 40 Minutes Of Glory

Two divisions of VATSIM, Isreal and Cyprus, will organize a monthly online event for full ATC supported flights between Tel Aviv Ben Gurion and Larnaca.

More info on this short leg of 40 minutes in the following press release.


VATIL β€” VATSIM Israel Division and Cyprus vACC are announcing a new tradition which will hopefully take place every month.

Due to the attractive short flight route between Ben Gurion and Larnaca – Only 40 minutes of glory flight, with a jet aircraft, full ATC coverage on the route and a lot of traffic in  a small area, we decided to perform a monthly event between Ben Gurion, Tel Aviv (LLBG) and Larnaca (LCLK) airports.

The first event will take place in May 28th between 1600Z – 1900Z (1900 – 2200 Israel Local Time). Full ATC coverage is expected in Tel Aviv and Larnaca, throughout the entire route.

Despite the short route, we are asking you to have full charts, in order to avoid any problems.

Charts for Ben Gurion (LLBG)

Charts for Larnaca (LCLK)

As it is the first event between the two divisions, all the ATC coverage in Israel will be taken by VATIL Staff members, to ensure the best and most quality flight. So all you have to do – is enjoy your flight!”

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